
Offer a unique WhatsApp Business API experience

Manage your WhatsApp customer support line with multiple users on the same screen with the advanced features of Desk360’s multi-channel platform.

Get Started5 minute setup
Official WhatsApp Business Solution Provider
Desk360 WhatsApp Business API

What can you achieve with the WhatsApp Business API?

Manage the entire process from the first touchpoint of your customers to the moment they make a purchase through the Desk360 platform with WhatsApp.

Manage your WhatsApp line with multiple customer representatives simultaneously.

Leverage your WhatsApp customer support with Desk360’s advanced features.

Boost customer satisfaction by providing quick responses 24/7.

Upsell to your customers with conversational commerce over WhatsApp.

Convert prospective customers into active customers with message templates.

WhatsApp Business app or WhatsApp Business API?

Businesses can leverage either the WhatsApp Business app or the WhatsApp Business API integration for customer communication. So which one is best suited for your needs?

WhatsApp Business App
Can only be used by one agent. Doesn’t support multiple agents.
Not designed for concurrent use on multiple devices, so it is not suitable for teamwork.
Only a limited number of automatic replies, message templates, and bulk messages can be sent.
The WhatsApp Business app cannot be integrated with an existing platform or CRM.
WhatsApp Business API with Desk360
Manage your WhatsApp customer support with more than one agent using Desk360’s API service.
Leverage Desk360's WhatsApp API service on multiple devices and with your teammates, all at the same time.
Send unlimited auto-replies, message templates, and bulk messages to your customers.
Integrate WhatsApp with your customer CRM or other software platforms.

Desk360 - Official WhatsApp Business Solution Provider

Leverage WhatsApp with Desk360's advanced features today!

Manage the orders you get from WhatsApp with Desk360

Include a WhatsApp button in your social media posts to allow your customers to contact you and buy the products you're promoting via a WhatsApp chat. Convert the shopping cart you built for your customers into a link, send it to them, and let them shop instantly.

Send message templates

Check out the other features of WhatsApp Business API

Create template messages and send them with a single click instead of having to type the same answer repeatedly.
If you're out of office or need to notify your customers, send an auto-reply to all incoming messages.
Add a widget to your website and let your visitors reach out to you via WhatsApp seamlessly.

Easy 5-step setup

Apply for the WhatsApp Business API through Desk360, an official business solution provider.

Fill in your information

After logging into the Desk360 panel, go to Product and Channels > Add/Select Product > WhatsApp and fill in the required information.



We'll use this information to apply for a WhatsApp Business account on your behalf on Facebook. Make sure you meet the prerequisites when entering your information.


Wait for Facebook approval

We'll send this information to Facebook for approval, along with your Display Name. While you wait for the approval process to complete, approve Desk360 as your Provider.


Verify the approval

To confirm Desk360 as an Official Business Solution Provider, log in to your Business Manager. Find the request in the left-hand side menu and accept the request.


Get started!

To begin using WhatsApp after the approval process is complete, provide us the PIN code that will be sent to the phone number you specified.

Transparent, Clear and Free!

No Desk360 message fees, no charges. Enjoy free.

Free Plan
All features are available to you without restrictions from Desk360.
What's Included
No panel fee
No seat fee
No Desk360 message fee
No additional number fee
Public API
Desk360 Whatsapp Messenger Mobile
Desk360 Whatsapp Messenger Web
Template Messages
Mobil + Web Applications
Free 🎉
Unlimited Users
Service sending is free of charge. 🎉 Fees recorded by Meta apply to template message sending.
With over 2.7 billion users globally, WhatsApp presents a unique opportunity for businesses to engage with their audience. The WhatsApp Business API, commonly known as the WhatsApp API, is a powerful tool that enables medium and large enterprises to communicate with customers on a larger scale.

The WhatsApp Business API allows businesses to connect with customers programmatically and manually by utilizing the power of APIs. With the WhatsApp Business API, companies can integrate customer interactions with various backend systems like CRM tools and marketing platforms, enabling seamless and efficient communication.